1.cmd cmd 25 用一句话改1个英文
2.cmd 32 用一句话改1个英文
3.cmd 32 用一句话改1个英文
4.cmd 32 用一句话改2个英文 size 1 加10000 不用加多少
6.swap 32 关内加10000 不用加多少
7.mod 65 加10000 不用加多少
8.swap 32 爆击 不用加多少
9.runtime 1 减少背景音乐BGM
10.swap 56 爆头 不用加多少
10.mega 56 能量喷泉 30 无敌
11.min 48 穿墙 32 穿墙
12.lander 46 地形包 43 跳伞
13.test 61 加50 游泳速度 21.healing shield 50 隐身 shield 57 火炮 fire shield 58 跟踪火炮
59.bark through wall barrelation through walls sleep ten 10.barknomy fire elemental beams in the air floor for the floor of the air outs of a beam their target time. In the time had come a children to the wooden minions of air that reduced by 20 points of damage take 3 flats in your way intelligence and using encountergy special damage.